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University shares entrepreneurship expertise in Latin America


University of Wolverhampton experts will be sharing tips and ideas around entrepreneurship with institutions in Colombia, Peru and Argentina as part of a new project.

The LinkYou project aims to improve the employability of young graduates in Latin America by creating a network to bring together industries, academics and students. The Erasmus+ funded project is coordinated by ISCTE – Instituto Universitario de Lisboa.

The Wolverhampton team will share best practice around enterprise and employability, and provide guidance and expertise on how to set up knowledge transfer offices within the Latin American universities.

They will also develop a new Entrepreneurship Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) to enable partner universities from Latin America to embed entrepreneurship into their curriculum.

Dr Robert Harris, Principal Lecturer from the University of Wolverhampton, said: “The University of Wolverhampton is involved due to its long standing record of engaging with businesses and strong focus on employability, with 96% of our graduates in further study or employment six months after leaving.

“We will be sharing ideas and best practice from our successful Challenge Academy programme, which is designed to offer companies access to our student and academic base to work on current business challenges which they are facing.

“A consultancy network of students undertake short-term projects on behalf of businesses with support from academic and company mentors who oversee projects and add academic support, advice and guidance.

“We are looking forward to sharing ideas from this successful programme which enables students to benefit from a package of support aimed at increasing their employability.”

For more information about LinkYou, visit:

Further details about the Challenge Academy programme at the University of Wolverhampton are available:

Further information

Project number: 573641-EPP-1-2016-1-PT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP 

For more information please contact the Media Relations Office on 01902 32 2736 or 01902 518647.

Date Issued: Thursday, 29 June 2017

For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.

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