About Our Doctoral College

The Doctoral College was established in 2013 and is located in the Research Hub in the City Campus.  The Doctoral College’s mission is to support all staff and student researchers at the University of Wolverhampton.  All of our postgraduate research students studying in the UK or abroad, part-time or full-time, are part of both their Faculty and the Doctoral College community.

The Doctoral College is managed through the Research Policy Unit and uses this combined expertise to deliver its mission. There is dedicated administrative support that provides a central contact point for staff and PGR students.

The Doctoral College:

  • has oversight of the quality assurance of the Postgraduate Research lifecycle. This includes quality assurance processes from first admission to graduation, with the UW UKVI Team, compliance with record keeping for international students, oversight of postgraduate researcher progression processes, and leading on postgraduate research student voice mechanisms 
  • offers support and researcher development opportunities for both staff and Postgraduate Research Students.  These include a Postgraduate Researchers’ Development Programme, Postgraduate Researcher Supervisors’ Development Programme, Researcher Development Programme for Staff, and a repositories of stand-alone resources for researcher development for both staff and students 
  • offers and leads University Funded Early Career Researcher Fellowships, namely: the Early Career Researcher Award Scheme (ERAS), and The Lord Paul Fellowships (LPF)
  • designs and delivers weekly communications to postgraduate researchers 
  • oversees the postgraduate researcher student experience. This includes oversight of the Postgraduate Researcher Experience Survey (PRES) and the development and monitoring of the PRES Action Plan. 
  • oversees the development of the university research culture. As a result we disseminate a twice yearly Research Almanac to highlight and advertise University of Wolverhampton research dissemination and development activities. In addition, we actively support the development of the University Research Culture through convening an annual Researchers’ Week and a Researcher Development Symposia Series, providing networking and social activities for researchers (both in-person and online) and supporting the developing sense of belonging for PGR as researchers at UoW 
  • engages in academic outreach through convening the University of Wolverhampton Lecture Series, including an annual Christmas-time Lecture, and a researcher development YouTube Channel


You can email us via: DoctoralCollege@wlv.ac.uk and follow us on Twitter via @WLV_DoctoralCol 

Meet the Team

Name Role
Dr Benjamin Halligan Director of the Doctoral College
Dr Debra Cureton Associate Professor of Equity in Learning and Teaching
Dr Stephen Greenfield Doctoral College Administration & Communications