
Key Databases

Comprehensive source of information for nurses, and allied health professionals providing fast and easy access to top journals, evidence based care sheets, quick lessons and continuing education modules. (Upgraded from CINAHL Plus to CINAHL Ultimate in September 2023)

Access: Students and staff based at University of Wolverhampton campuses and all distance learners with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner students and staff at UK and international partner institutions cannot access this database

MEDLINE with Full Text provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more. It provides full text for 1,470 journals indexed in MEDLINE.

Access: Students and staff based at University of Wolverhampton campuses and all distance learners with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner students and staff at UK and international partner institutions cannot access this database

Full text from leading nursing journals.

Access: Students and staff based at University of Wolverhampton campuses and all distance learners with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner students and staff at UK and international partner institutions cannot access this database

Other Useful Databases

An online interactive educational resource on human anatomy. Access is available to 3D Atlas a perfect tool for understanding structure and function of the human body, with detailed anatomical text covering every structure and Anatomy & Physiology providing comprehensive foundations in function from gross to microanatomy - 20-topic systemic resources filled with interactive models and animations, as well as case studies, clinical content and quizzing.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

A database from the British Library offering full-text access to PhD theses from the majority of British universities. Theses not immediately available for download can be digitised to order. You will need to register with the site to view content.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Please note that due to an issue at the British Library, EThOS is currently unavailable. We do not have a timeframe for when this will be fixed.
Comprehensive access to life sciences literature from trusted sources, covering over 40 million publications, preprints and other documents.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

ScienceDirect provides access to the scientific, technical and medical journals of Elsevier and participating publishers.
It contains more than 16 million articles, 2,500 journals, 250 full open access journals, 39,000 books and 330,000 topic pages.

For a complete list of our subscribed titles, click the "More information" link.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed research literature with more than 20,500 titles from more than 5,000 international publishers. Scopus offers researchers a quick, easy and comprehensive resource to support their research needs in the scientific, technical, medical and social sciences fields and arts and humanities.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

A comprehensive sociology research database, featuring over 1,600,000 records and full text of over 253 "core" coverage journals. Part of the EBSCO Host research databases.

Access: Students and staff based at University of Wolverhampton campuses and all distance learners with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner students and staff at UK and international partner institutions cannot access this database

Web of Science is a research platform that provides access to an extensive range of reference and citation data from academic journals, conference proceedings, and other documents in various academic disciplines.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Electronic journals. Full text access is limited to University subscriptions only.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Web Pages

Care Quality Commission - Independent regulator of all Health & Social Care Services in England.

Cochrane Library - Independent high-quality evidence for health care decision making. Includes Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

National Institute for Health & Clinical Excellence (NICE) - Provides evidence based guidance

This includes: NHS Evidence - Allows everyone working in health and social care to access a wide range of health information to help them deliver quality patient care.

PubMed - PubMed is a service of the US National Library of Medicine that includes over 19 million citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals.

Resuscitation Council UK - Includes current Resuscitation Guidelines

Trip Database - Clinical search tool with emphasis on evidence based medicine and clinical practice.

UK National Statistics Publication Hub