Dr Matthew Smith

Dr Matthew Smith

Interim Head of Primary Education

  • Email address Matt.Smith@wlv.ac.uk
  • Phone number 01902 32 2889
  • Location University of Wolverhampton Samuel Johnson (WN) Building Walsall Campus Gorway Road Walsall WS1 3BD
  • Faculty Faculty of Education Health & Wellbeing
  • Institute School of Education
  • Areas of expertise

    Mobile and digital learning and teaching; Disadvantage; Global South; Development of a sophisticated personal epistemology; Primary teaching; English teaching, especially the key areas of Phonics, spelling and punctuation; Flipped learning; Pedagogy; Mobile Learning; Using social media to overcome public health issues

Matt is the interim Head of Primary Teacher Education, having previously been the Lead Tutor for BA(Hons) Year 3 Primary ITE students, and the Pathway Leader for Primary English. He leads both the undergraduate and postgraduate primary teaching courses leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) at the University of Wolverhampton, and also teaches on the Masters in Education programme. He has been nominated by students for a Vice Chancellor's Award for Staff Excellence in the 'Enriching the Learning Experience' and 'Student Engagement' categories eight times in the past four years.

A Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Matt’s doctoral thesis focused on the epistemological and pedagogical trajectories of PGCE trainees within the field of Primary English. Matt’s research interests have previously focused on personalising the learning journey for children and students, but he is now predominantly working on mobile and digital learning, particularly in the Globalised South; digital literacy; the use of social media for public health benefits; and school children as leaders of public health movements. He recently co-authored a report for the Department for International Development's EdTech Hub on lessons learned to support governments' digital responses to the educational crisis brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Matt is involved in research in Palestine focusing on developing mobile technologies for supporting the teaching of English; in Wolverhampton focusing on mental health and resilience in young people; in Brazil, supporting school populations to influence virus control through mobile applications; and is the Principal Investigator on an Erasmus+ project working with partners across Europe on an online collaborative approach to textbook work. He is also currently involved in bidding for projects in Mexico, Brazil, India and Kazakhstan.

Prior to becoming a Senior Lecturer, Matt worked as a primary teacher, English specialist and Assistant Headteacher. He is keen for children to take ownership of their learning, and to work with teachers to develop a facilitative, learner-centric method that favours exploration and social construction of learning over more traditional, didactic teaching styles.

Matt teaches two modules on the Masters in Education programme, and supervises both Masters and Doctoral thesis students. He currently has six PhD and EdD students, and is very proud of his first completing student, who successfully defended her viva in June 2020.


Current appointment

Interim Head of Primary Education. Lecturer on the Master of Education programme, Member of the Education Observatory, and of the Researching Pedagogy and Research in Higher Education Clusters. 


Mobile and digital learning, particularly in the Globalised South and amongst marginalised communities; digital literacy; the use of social media for public health benefits; school children as leaders of public health movements


* CiC: Principal Investigator on an Erasmus+ project to develop interactive collaborative coursework, Jan 2020 – Aug 2023

* TEFL-ePAL: Erasmus+ to modernize language teaching in Palestinian HEI, leading development Work Package Jan 2019 – May 2022

* HeadStart: mental health and resilience in CYP in Wolverhampton, Jan 2018 - Aug 2023

* Educational challenges presented by COVID-19 (DfID), Apr-Jul 2020


I will also be supporting the chairing of the 2022 TISLID conference on technology and language learning at the University.

Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Peer reviewer for Distance Education, the Asian Journal of Distance Education, Journal of Teacher Education, American Educational Research Journal and Educational Review amongst others.

Member of United Kingdom Literacy Association

Member of the British Educational Research Association

Member of the University and College Union

  • BA (Hons), 1997
  • PGCE, 1999
  • M.Ed. 2008
  • EdD in Learning and Learning Contexts, 2017



Smith, M. & Mcconnell, S. (2021). Khalsa Academies Trust: A fair treatment? University of Wolverhampton, University of Wolverhampton. 

Traxler, J., Scott, H., Smith, M. & Hayes, S. (2020) Learning through the crisis: Helping decision-makers around the world use digital technology to combat the educational challenges produced by the current COVID-19 pandemic. EdTech Hub. https://docs.edtechhub.org/lib/CD9IAPFX 

Traxler, J., Scott, H., Smith, M. & Hayes, S. (2020) SUMMARY Learning through the crisis Helping decision-makers around the world use digital technology to combat the educational challenges produced by the current COVID-19 pandemic. EdTech Hub. https://docs.edtechhub.org/lib/5DWI862Y

Traxler, J. & Smith, M. (2020) Data for development: shifting research methodologies for Covid-19. Journal of Learning for Development 7(3):306-325. https://jl4d.org/index.php/ejl4d/article/view/463 

Smith, M., & Gurton, P. (2020). Flipped Learning in Initial Teacher Education. In Z. Walker, & D. Tan (Eds.), Flipped Classrooms with Diverse Learners: An International Perspective. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-4171-1

Jopling, M. & Smith, M. Primary Schools. In M. Jopling & M. Johnson (Eds) BLACK COUNTRY EDUCATION INSIGHT REPORT 2020-21University-of-Wolverhampton-The-Black-Country-Education-Insight-Report-2020-1

Policarpo Cavalcante, A. C., Olinda, R. A., Gomes, A., Traxler, J., Smith, M., & Santos, S. (2020). Spatial modelling of the infestation indices of Aedes aegypti: an innovative strategy for vector control actions in developing countries. Parasites and Vectors. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13071-020-04070-w

Santos, S., Smania-Marques, R., Albino, V., Dutra Fernandes, I., Mangueira, F.F.A., Altafim, R., Olinda, R., Smith, M., Traxler, J. (2020). A School-Based Intervention for Arboviruses in Northeastern Brazil (ZikaMob) https://ssrn.com/abstract=3551431  or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3551431

Brown-Williams, Z., Rhoades, G., Smith, M., & Thompson, D. (2019). Aspiring to higher education? Choice, complexity and confidence in secondary students’ decision-making. Educationalfutures, 10(1), 31-58. http://hdl.handle.net/2436/622788

Smith, M., Bramwell, L., & Littley, D. (2019). HeadStart local evaluation: qualitative perspectives from schools: Second Report. University of Wolverhampton. Full report. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/337008156_HeadStart_local_evaluation_qualitative_perspectives_from_schools_Phase_2

Smith, M., Littley, D., Adeghe, A., & Bramwell, L. (2019). HeadStart Wolverhampton local evaluation: qualitative perspectives from schools. Wolverhampton: Education Observatory. Full report. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/331903786_HeadStart_Wolverhampton_local_evaluation_qualitative_perspectives_from_schools

Smith, M. (2017). Using andragogy to teach pedagogy: expecting heutagogy - using against-the-grain teaching practices for desired outcomes. Research in Teacher Education, 7(1), 13-18. Retrieved from https://www.uel.ac.uk/

Smith, M. (2016). An investigation into the Pedagogical Trajectories of PGCE Trainees Using Espoused 'Beliefs'. Journal of Education & Social Policy, 3(5), 16-29. doi:10.30845/jesp

Smith, M. (2016). Examining the Relationship between a Sophisticated Personal Epistemology and Desired Pedagogical Practices in Trainee Teachers. Journal of Education & Social Policy, 3(3), 48-59. doi:10.30845/jesp


Conference Presentations

Smith, M. and Gurton, P. (2019). Flipped Learning in Teacher Education. Paper presented at the World Educational Leadership Symposium, PH Zug, Switzerland, September 2019.

Smith, M. (2019). Flipped Learning in Teacher Education. Paper presented at Institute of Education Research Conference, University of Wolverhampton, June 2019.

Smith, M. (2019). HeadStart Schools Qualitative Research. Paper presented at British Education Studies Association (BESA) Conference, June 2019.

Smith, M. (2019). Leading Change in Schools: Some reflections from research. Paper presented at Leadership and School Reform Research Conference, University of Wolverhampton, February 2019.

Brown, Z., Rhoades, G. & Smith, M. (2018). Aspiring to Higher Education? The complex views of secondary students. Paper presented at British Education Studies Association (BESA) Conference, June 2018.

Smith, M. (2014). The use of a Learning Portfolio to reflectively assess processes rather than outcomes in Primary English ITE. Paper presented at Rich Exchanges Conference, University of Wolverhampton, December 2014.

Smith, M. (2014). An Initial Qualitative Analysis of the Epistemological Trajectories of Primary PGCE Trainees. Paper presented at Doctoral Research Conference, University of Birmingham, November 2014.

Smith, M. (2014). An Investigation into the Developing Epistemological Trajectories of PGCE Trainees as Predicated by their Espoused Pedagogies. Paper presented at Institute of Education Research Conference, University of Wolverhampton, July 2014.

Smith, M. (2014). Becoming a Teacher: Enforced Enculturation or Active Participation? Paper presented at Institute of Education Research Conference, University of Wolverhampton, July 2014.


Poster Presentations

Smith, M. (2015). An Investigation into the Developing Epistemological Trajectories of PGCE Trainees as Predicated by their Espoused Pedagogies. Poster presented at Doctoral Poster Conference, University of Birmingham, July 2015.

Matt has been a primary teacher, Assistant Headteacher and lecturer for most of his adult life. He has worked in every Key Stage, teaching children from age 5 to 11, worked with secondary school-age pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, and with students in Higher Education since 2009. Previously a Key Stage Co-ordinator in primary schools in Birmingham, Matt has been Co-ordinator for Literacy and the Creative Arts, taken responsibility for outdoor learning, parental involvement in school and their children's learning, and worked with schools on effective modelling for the social construction of high-level texts, usually through the use of poetry or story-writing; phonics instruction; tools and skills for personalising the learning journey of children; and in effective guided reading and the use of e-reading journals.


External Examiner duties

University of Western England, BA Hons Primary and Early Years Initial Teacher Education (2015-2020).

University of Northampton, ITT BA Hons Primary Education 5-11 (2018-present).

Enterprise, Knowledge Transfer & Consultancy

DFID Edtech COVID-19: the research and drafting for two reports which will help governments around the world combat the educational challenges produced by the current pandemic (http://educationobservatory.co.uk/research-project-looks-at-educational-challenges-faced-by-covid-19/).

Co-created Interactive Courseware: a European digital learning project aimed at increasing student engagement using interactive textbooks.

http://tefl-epal.com (Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Palestinian HEIs): an eLearning Initiative that Bridges Educational and Socio-Political Gaps, multi-year, funded by Erasmus+, collaborator.

ZikaMobile and PickMobile projects in Brazil, focusing on the use of education and mobile technologies to support the authorities in the suppression of the zika arbovirus, multi-year, funded by the British Council, collaborator.

Explore University project, 2 year, National Network for Collaborative Outreach, funded by the Higher Education Funding Council for England, collaborator.

HeadStart Wolverhampton project, multi-year, funded by Big Lottery UK, collaborator.

School Improvement through Collaborative Networks – ‘Building Trust in the Trust’, 1 year, University of Wolverhampton/ECMAT, collaborator.


Postgraduate Research Supervision

Currently supervising six Professional Doctorate and seven MA students.


Other relevant professional and voluntary activities

Member of FEHW Ethics Board.