University of Wolverhampton Business School

MSc Innovation and Entrepreneurship

MSc Full-time 1 year, Part-time 2 years

The MSc Innovation and Entrepreneurship course is aimed at students seeking to develop and enhance their entrepreneurial, creativity, innovation and enterprise skills and capabilities. 

The MSc Innovation and Entrepreneurship course is aimed at students seeking to develop and enhance their entrepreneurial, creativity, innovation and enterprise skills and capabilities. 

Start date(s)
January 2025, September 2025
Course specifications
Course length
Full-time (1 year),Part-time (2 years)
Campus location
University of Wolverhampton Campus,University: City Campus
UCAS points calculator

Why choose this course?

6th in the UK for Business and Management courses (The Guardian University Guide 2025)

The MSc Innovation and Entrepreneurship course is aimed at students seeking to develop and enhance their entrepreneurial, creativity, innovation and enterprise skills and capabilities. It is suitable for students coming from a range of subject disciplines such as business, tourism, performing arts, creative arts, computer sciences, technology, and engineering.

Whether you hope to become an entrepreneur, turning an opportunity that you have spotted into a sustainable business or social enterprise, or whether you see yourself in post graduate professional employment in a management, freelance or consultancy role, then this course could be for you.

In what is an ever changing and increasingly complex and competitive global environment, graduates need the skills, capabilities, and attributes to enable them to be successful. More than ever, employers expect graduates to be innovative, problem solvers that are adaptable, resilient, flexible, and willing to develop an enterprising mind set.

Studying this course will equip you with the necessary skills, capabilities, and knowledge to become a highly enterprising graduate, developing your enterprising mindset, enabling you to operate more effectively in any enterprising, entrepreneurial, or innovative setting.

What's unique about this course?

  • By the end of the course, you will be equipped with the necessary skills, capabilities, and knowledge to become a highly enterprising graduate.
  • Practitioner guest speakers and entrepreneurs will enhance that experience, engaging and learning from them.
  • The Master’s degree is taught in our Lord Swraj building at Wolverhampton City campus, the building offers 6 floors of purpose-built student space and is our Business School's multi-million-pound home. 

What happens on the course?

You will study a range of modules exploring the topics of creativity, innovation, new venture creation, entrepreneurship, change leadership, change agency, change projects, entrepreneurial and digital marketing, and strategic operational management.

The course assumes no prior knowledge of entrepreneurship, enterprise, or innovation.  Much of the learning is through real life projects that you will be working on; that could be developing a new business venture or social enterprise for an idea that you have or scaling up an existing idea you have been working on. The course will help you to become more opportunity-focussed, self-aware, adaptable, and attuned to the changing business environment.

There will be a blend of both academic theory, case materials and in class discussions to help underpin your learning; together with the opportunity of learning by doing through real-life projects outside of the classroom. Practitioner guest speakers and entrepreneurs will enhance that experience, engaging and learning from them.

The intention through all these different activities and discussions is that you develop and enhance your enterprise and creativity skills, your ability to spot opportunities, your problem-solving skills, your understanding of how to make change happen and your ability to produce workable innovations.

By the end of the course, you will be equipped with the necessary skills, capabilities, and knowledge to become a highly enterprising graduate; whether this is to develop your own innovative business ideas as a future entrepreneur or as a freelance portfolio worker or in professional post graduate employment.


Course Modules

Potential Career Paths

Additional Information

Everything you need to know about this course!

The team of professionals and senior academics on the course provide an extensive level of expertise in their respective disciplines, from research to practitioner background, most having run their own small businesses. This will enrich your learning experience in a dynamic environment where you will be expected to participate at the highest level towards furnishing you with a master’s degree for your future enterprising or entrepreneurial career.    

The Master’s degree is taught in our Lord Swraj building at Wolverhampton City campus, the building offers 6 floors of purpose-built student space and is our Business School's multi-million-pound home. The building includes modern, professional environments like any modern workplace, with comfortable group work and breakout areas, as well as private study spaces to use between sessions.

During your studies you will have the opportunity to engage in activities outside of normal teaching, these may include guest lectures and external trips. These activities are designed to enhance your knowledge, understanding as well as enjoyment of your course.


You will have the opportunity to practice and refine your skills and capabilities in order to develop

  1. Your critical understanding of the contemporary issues, theories and conceptual frameworks of entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity and their role in the establishment and development of new enterprises and or high growth businesses.
  2. Your critical knowledge of a range of strategic models and theories that can be utilised to guide effective and responsible action in dynamic environments. Applying these in both strategic and operational aspects of digital marketing, change management and operations management in an entrepreneurial business or organisation.
  3. Your ability to critically analyse and evaluate a change and or innovation context or project using a range of tools, models, and theories. Developing enterprising or innovative solutions or recommendations.
  4. Your understanding and knowledge of the principles and concepts underlying the strategic and operational performance of an organisation. Developing and justifying strategies for sustaining and managing process or product innovation.
  5. Your ability to make recommendations for entrepreneurial or enterprising practice, based on theoretical insights through the process of applied learning.
  6. Your ability to engage with independent learning, analysis, synthesis, and critical thinking through academic and or applied research completing an independent project or dissertation/ professional project at masters’ level.


Location Mode Fee Year
Home Full-time £9230 per year 2022-23
Home Full-time £9690 per year 2023-24
Home Full-time £10175 per year 2024-25
Home Full-time £10490 per year 2025-26
Home Part-time £4615 per year 2022-23
Home Part-time £4845 per year 2023-24
Home Part-time £5088 per year 2024-25
Home Part-time £5245 per year 2025-26
International Full-time £14450 per year 2022-23
International Full-time £15450 per year 2023-24
International Full-time £15950 per year 2024-25
International Full-time £16950 per year 2025-26

These fees relate to new entrants only for the academic year indicated for entry onto the course, any subsequent years study may be subject to an annual increase, usually in line with inflation.

  • A good honours undergraduate degree (second class or above) from a UK university or overseas equivalent, or a professional qualification and/or experience considered to be equivalent to the above;
  • A reference from a tutor who has supervised the applicant’s undergraduate studies and/or employer;
  • Students may apply for recognition of prior learning (RPL) subject to the guidelines set out in the RPL Handbook. RPL includes accreditation of prior certificated learning and /or accreditation of prior experiential learning.
  • Applications are also welcome from individuals who do not possess the above qualifications but who have significant management experience and are able to demonstrate previous non-certificated learning equivalent to the above.  In such cases, admission to the programme will be based on an evaluation of the applicant’s ability to continue to benefit from and achieve the award.

International Applicants

Your qualifications need to be deemed equivalent to the above entry requirements.

“The course offers the opportunity to develop real life skills.”

“Having the hands-on experience with also a knowledge of theory is very appealing to employers.”

“Great opportunity to build my company whilst learning and making mistakes in a safe environment.”

Postgraduate Loan (Home Fee Status):

You may be able to get a postgraduate student loan from Student Finance England of up to £12,167 to help pay for a Master’s degree. Applications are made through Student Finance England and more information on the regulations and eligibility criteria can be found at Masters Loans

* Any RPL will invalidate your eligibility as you must study a minimum of 180 credits

Changes for EU students:

The UK government has confirmed that EU students starting courses from 1 August 2021 will normally be classified as Overseas (International) students for fee purposes. More information about the change is available at UKCISA:

EU citizens living in the UK with 'settled' status, and Irish nationals living in the UK or Ireland, will still be classified as Home students, providing they meet the usual residency requirements, for more information about EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS) click here.

Postgraduate Loyalty Discount:

You can get 20% discount on a taught on-site postgraduate course if you’re a University of Wolverhampton Graduate.

The University offers a generous 20% Loyalty Discount to students progressing from an undergraduate programme to a taught postgraduate programme, where both courses are University of Wolverhampton Awards.

There is no time limit on how long ago you completed your degree as long as this is your first Masters level qualification.

The discount applies to the first year of enrolment only. Students who receive a loyalty discount are not entitled to any further tuition discount or bursary. For full terms and conditions click here.


If you are paying for the fees yourself then the fees can be paid in 3 instalments: November, January and April. More information can be found by clicking here.

Sponsored - Your employer, embassy or organisation can pay for your Tuition fees:

Your employer, embassy or organisation agrees to pay all or part of your tuition fees; the University will refer to them as your sponsor and will invoice them for the appropriate amount.

We must receive notification of sponsorship in writing as soon as possible, and before enrolment, confirming that the sponsor will pay your tuition fees.

Financial Hardship:

Students can apply to the Dennis Turner Opportunity Fund for help with course related costs however this cannot be used for fees or to cover general living costs.

Charitable Funding:

You might also want to explore the possibility of funding from charitable trusts; please see the following websites Association of Charitable Foundations, Directory of Social Change or Family Action. Most charities and trust funds offer limited bursaries targeted to specific groups of students so you will need to research whether any of them are relevant to your situation.

You can find more information on the University’s Funding, cost, fee and support pages.


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