Unit 6: Focusing on your career

R24 Critical Analysis of Research

R24 Critical Analysis of Research content:

This workshop will outline how you can use evaluation tools to bring about novel and critical thinking in your appraisal of the literature, and provide opportunity to apply this skill. If you are finding it hard to think of critique, and regularly have feedback that you need to be more critical of the existing literature, then this workshop may be of help to you. We will look at a couple of tools designed to help with evaluation of empirical research (both qualitative and quantitative) and you will have opportunity to apply this to a paper from your discipline. Please bring with you an empirical paper or two (i.e. not a review) that you are familiar with, so that you can use this for the exercise we will do in the session.

Date Time Venue Bookings 


Vitae RDF descriptors addressed in this session are:

Personal effectiveness (B)
This domain contains the personal qualities, career and self-management skills required to take ownership for and control of professional development. 

  • Professional and career development (B3)

Research governance and organisation (C)
This domain contains the knowledge of the standards, requirements and professional conduct that are needed for the effective management of research.

  • Finance, Funding and Resources (C3)

Engagement, influence and impact (D)
This domain contains the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to engage with, influence and impact on the academic, social, cultural and economic context.

  • Engagement and impact (D3)