Unit 2: Starting your research

R37: Ethical proposal and the NHS

Research involving health can take many forms, from clinical trials using muscle biopsies, through to qualitative research studies. Each type of research presents its own set of benefits and risks, and raises distinctive ethical concerns which will need to be considered in the approval process. If your study is led from England and involves the NHS in any way, you will need to obtain ethical approval from the Health Research Authority.

This session will draw upon examples from your own proposal or examples from others in order to provide you with the relevant information that is needed to prepare and submit applications to review bodies within the NHS. The information will also help you to understand what each review body will be considering and how to navigate through the review process.

Areas that will be covered include: the role of the HRA and how to apply for approval; top tips to help navigate through the Integrated Research Application System; the review process including NHS Ethics Committees and finally the possible outcomes of NHS review and what will be expected.

By the end of the session you should have the necessary knowledge to apply for NHS approval efficiently and effectively.

Facilitator: Dr Hilary Paniagua, Faculty of Education, Health & Wellbeing

Date  Time  Venue  Booking

Vitae RDF descriptors addressed in this session are:

Research governance and organisation (C)
This domain contains the knowledge of the standards, requirements and professional conduct that are needed for the effective management of research.

  • Professional conduct (C1)