Support for Trans and Non-Binary Students

The University values our Trans and Non-Binary staff and students, and is committed to Gender Identity Equality, with our Policy Statement on Gender Identity Equality outlining our commitment to combating transphobia and enbyphoia. Our commitment includes:

  • Ensuring that Trans and Non-Binary staff and students are fully included within University life
  • Listening to representatives of our Trans and Non-Binary staff and students
  • Zero-tolerance to all forms of transphobic and enbyphobic discrimination or harassment including any instance dead-naming or mis-gendering 
  • Trans Men and Trans Women have full access to male-only and female-only spaces within the University including toilets and changing facilities 
  • Proactively encourage cisgender staff and students to be Trans and Non-Binary allies through organising awareness raising campaigns

If you experience transphobic or enbyphobic discrimination or harassment within the University then please alert the University to this, so that we can address the issue through the Dignity at Work and Study Policy.

If you need assistance with putting together your complaint then please contact the LGBT+ Staff Network co-chair, Martin Evans: or Aisha James James:

LGBT+ Student Society ( for assistance.

If you experience a transphobic or enbyphobic hate incident you can make an anonymous complaint to the University Secretary at or through the Students' Union's Third Party Reporting Centre. 

Support During and After Gender Transition  

The University is committed to ensure that staff or students who begin or are undergoing gender transition whilst at the University are supported through the process. Our approach to support staff and students is slightly different, covered by the following policies:

Trans and Gender Reassignment Policy (Staff)

Supporting Trans & Non-binary students 2023

The Staff Policy is currently under review but it outlines that staff members beginning/undergoing gender reassignment should contact their Human Resources Business Partner or somebody from the LGBT Staff Network to provide them with a first point of support as they begin to plan for how they will inform their line-manage and other work colleagues about their gender transition. 

Summary of Policies

If a staff member requests their name or gender be changed on University records, then the University will promptly change the recorded. The staff member does not need to provide evidence of their name or gender having legally changed, outside of information related to their pension, where evidence of legal changes must be presented.

If a student requests the name recorded on University systems to be changed to their new legal name, then the University will promptly change its record of this. Where a student hasn’t changed their legal name, the University cannot change the name stored on University records (this is primarily to ensure students continue to receive tuition fee loan payments), but will update the “Known As Name” field, and switch relevant systems to use this rather than the legal name for items such as library cards. In either case, the University will amend the student’s email to bring it in line with their new name. 

The University can arrange for staff members and students to legally change their name, through a process known statutory declaration, where their declaration is countersigned by one of our solicitors. 

If a student requests the gender recorded on University systems be changed, then the University will promptly amend the record. This can be done before their legal gender has been changed, and the University’s systems do allow for a person’s gender to be recorded as Non-Binary. Likewise, the University has “Mx” available in its systems, for those staff members and students, who wish to use a gender neutral title.

Graduates who have since legally changed their name due to undergoing gender transition, may request a free version of their degree certificate, amended to include their new legal name.

Support Services

The LGBT+ Staff Network is the representatives of LGBT+ Staff Members within the University. Their current co-chairs are Martin Evans and Aisha James.

The LGBT+ Student Society is the representative of LGBT+ students. More information about the society can be found at

The X2Y Youth Group provides support to LGBT+ young people in the Wolverhampton area.

Wolverhampton LGBT+ brings together organisation across the local area to improve the lives of LGBT+ people.

The Employee Assistance Programme can provide information, advice and guidance to staff members, as well as access to counselling.

The University Chaplaincy will provide pastoral support to all staff members and students. More information please visit 

Different Voices Training

The University of Wolverhampton recently received funding from the Office of Students to run a project with the Student Union that aims to prevent hate crime by training students about everyday examples of Homophobia, Ableism, Islamophobia, Transphobia, Racism and Xenophobia.

You can view the Different Voices video on the University's YouTube Channel

The video highlights how seemingly everyday actions can have a negative impact on the person affected, and addresses how jokes or throwaway comments can create divides between people from these communities and within society as a whole.

As part of the University’s wider commitment to equality and diversity, this video will be shown to all new students as part of induction, and promoted more widely as part of a social media campaign. It is intended that this will help to breakdown stereotypical behaviours and adopt a more mutual respect for each other’s individuality.