The Wolverhampton Young Citizen of the Year Rotary Awards

Do you know any students who deserve to be recognised for volunteering, good citizenship or helping others?
If so, students, staff and anyone in the University Community can nominate them for the City of Wolverhampton Young Citizen Awards. Nominate now.
The closing date is Friday 31 May.
We are looking for individuals who go that extra mile to make a difference to the lives of others, their learning institution or community.
There are two age categories: 13 -18 and 19 – 25.
Nominees must be at least 13 years of age on 1 January 2024 and under 25 years of age on 31 August. They must live, work or study within the boundaries of the City of Wolverhampton.
To nominate go to:
The judging panel will include the Mayor of Wolverhampton and Brenda Wile, Deputy Director of Education. The winner will receive a cash prize and there will be a similar cash award to their school, further or higher education college, youth group, organisation or chosen charity. All finalists will receive a certificate of commendation from the Mayor and those not short listed will receive a letter of recognition.
The awards ceremony will be held on the evening of Friday 4 October in the Chancellor’s Hall, Wulfruna Street, University of Wolverhampton. In previous years this has been a lovely occasion for finalists, teachers, nominators, parents, sponsors and invited guests.
For more information about making a nomination, please do not hesitate to contact the Organising Committee Chairman, Roger Timbrell on 07885 944030;
For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.