Privacy Notice

WLV Sport Privacy Notice and data protection information

To effectively implement the changes in data protection legislation, as introduced by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the University has created a Data Protection Privacy Notice. Please read the notice carefully and keep it in a safe place, as it contains important information about:

◾who collects personal information about you

◾which information we collect and how and why we do so

◾how we use the information and who we may share it with

◾any monitoring we undertake

◾where we may hold your personal information

◾how long we keep your information

◾your rights to correct and access your information and to ask for it to be erased

◾details of where you can find further information about some of the matters listed above

◾how to complain if we get things wrong and cannot resolve them for you.

As you may already be aware, the reason we are communicating about this notice is to ensure the University’s compliance with the new legislation governing data protection. We are not making any significant changes to the way in which we process information or the reasons for which we do so. We will continue to process your personal information in the same way. We are being more open and transparent about what we do with the information we process about you

Take a look at our WLV Sport Centre Privacy Notice - University of Wolverhampton